

This tea contains St Mary’s thistle, rhubarb root, chicory, burdock, and nettle.

It is a classic combination to protect the liver against toxins and to help keep the digestion clean and smooth.
  • 20 tea bags
  • Minimum purchase – Any three packets of tea

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Nettles are full of minerals and vitamins. Cleanse is tea is caffeine free with staples, no artificial flavours, additives or colouring.

The leaf that is used in making of herbal tea is called Rooibos or bush tea, a term that is more prominently used in Southern Africa.

The tea has been popular in Southern Africa for generations and over the last few decades, the world has been taking to herbal tea as a natural medical alternative.

Cleanse from Organics is a popular choice for people a favourite using an herbal tea of balance of body and mind.  It can be helpful with allergies and is used to clear the skin. Astragal us has been used in China as a liver and kidney tonic since the first century AD.

Wild yam is anti-inflammatory, which may be beneficial in women’s complaints like painful menstruation, morning sickness and ovarian pains.

There are many other health benefits using Cleanse; this is a tea that uses many ingredients that are proven to be beneficial for health.

  • 20 tea bags
  • Minimum purchase – Any three packets of tea
  • Unbleached Tea Bags
  • 100%  Cotton String
  • Recycled cardboard boxes
  • Without Staples, artificial flavours, additives or colouring

Additional information

Weight 0.075 kg
Dimensions 7.5 × 6.5 × 3.5 cm
About Australian Herbs

Prior to 1993 Australia had no organized herb growing industry, and no Australian made or Australian owned herbal teas. The few herbal teas that were available were all imported. The result was that many growers started herb farms. From this emerged the organic Herb Growers of Australia, which became a government recognised certification organization.

Herb Farms Australia, was formed which marketed the fresh herbs. Over a relatively short time Herb Farms Australia grew with domestic and export markets, and when major herbal companies began showing interest in Australian grown medicinal herbs, they saw this as a signal that the time was right to start producing tea.


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